“Purchased experiences don’t count.”
- Douglas Coupland (1961 - )
Canadian novelist and artist.
Eat a Red Apple Day
Always 1 December
Although the Red Delicious variety was the world’s most popular apple
through ton the 1980’s, it’s popularity has waned. As an example, Washington State, one of the
biggest producers of apples, provided 75% of the state’s Red Delicious. The market today has declined to one third of
The science of
growing apples is called pomology.
My own fave is the Pink Lady Apple.
Does anyone else get pissed off by the stickers on fruit?
World AIDS Awareness Day
Always December 1
World Aids Awareness Day was created in 1988 by the United Nations
World Health Organisation.
The day is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused
by the spread of HIV infection, and mourning those who have died of the
Government and health officials, non-governmental organizations and
individuals around the world observe the day, often with education on AIDS
prevention and control.
HIV/AIDS is one of the world’s biggest medical crises. It is estimated
that approximately 40 million people in the world currently have AIDS.
National Fritters Day
Always December 2
A fritter is a fried cake or dough with fruit or meats inside. There's actually not much difference
between pancake and fritter batter. They are both made with the same
ingredients. It is only once fruit or meat is dipped into the raw batter and
then fried that it actually becomes a fritter.
My fave: the banana fritter
The first historical record of the fritter dates back to 1665. Samuel
Pepys, an Englishman who served as a Member of Parliament during the English
Restoration period, noted in his diary that he would be enjoying some
fritters before Lent!
know it’s right,
in black and white
it’s all written down in his diary.
And so to bed.
Advent begins
Four Sundays before Christmas.
It is unknown when the period of preparation for Christmas that is now
called Advent first began. It is known
to have been in existence from about 480.
Advent is a season observed in many Christian churches as a time of
expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of
Jesus at Christmas.
The term is a version of the Latin word meaning "coming".
(No sniggering please, we are talking holy stuff here).
In the early days of the church, Advent was a time of prayer and
confession. Today, Advent is more a time of preparation and expectation of
the coming of the Lord. (I said, no sniggering).
A common symbol of Advent is the wreath with 4 candles, 3 purple and
one pink.
On the fourth Sunday before Christmas (the first Sunday of Advent),
the first Advent candle is lit at dinner and a short prayer is said. The
first candle is lit each night along with a short prayer. On the second
Sunday of Advent, a second purple
candle is lit. On the third Sunday the pink candle is lit. Finally on the
fourth Sunday of Advent, just a few days before the birth of Christ, the
final purple candle is lit.
First Purple candle: represents hope.
Second Purple Candle: stands for love.
Third, pink candle: represents
Fourth purple candle: is a symbol of peace.
The third Sunday of Advent when the pink candle is lit is referred to
as "Joyful Sunday?"
National Roof Over Your Head Day
Always December 3
Unknown. It is believed to have
started as a response to the homeless in society.
Roof Over Your Head Day serves to bring awareness to the fact that
there are so many people out there who don’t have this basic need.
100 million people are estimated to not have a roof over their head,
and of those that do, 1.6 billion are seen as having inadequate housing for
themselves and their family.